If you haven’t applied for your visa, we recommend that you do so ASAP. The spring and summer months in China are the peak holiday seasons, which means longer than normal processing times – so it is best to apply early rather than late and possibly risk missing out. Save your last minute dash for Conquer the Wall Marathon!


Generally, an invitation letter is not required if you are providing in advance your flight information and hotel details. If a letter is still needed please email us as we are happy to send you a confirmation letter for your visa application.

Almost all Non-Chinese nationals will need a visa to enter China. There are different visa categories and you will most likely need a tourist visa (L). Please contact your local Chinese Embassy or Consulate for more information. The procedure normally requires submitting a visa application form, paying a fee and providing the Chinese authorities with an authorized flight itinerary and where you are staying (hotel) from your travel agent. This process takes about one to two weeks. Note that your passport must be valid for at least six months after entry. For more information please visit the Chinese Embassy website.

Obtaining a Chinese Visa

  1.  Make sure your passport is up to date and must be valid for up to 6 months past your travel date
  2. Book flights and save itinerary
  3. Book hotel/motel room and save itinerary
  4. Get a passport photo from any store that makes them like Walgrens, CVS Pharmacy, etc
  5. Go to the following website and follow their instructions to obtain a Chinese visa
    • Remember every state has a Chinese Consulate, it is best to send your visa application to
      the city where your Chinese Consulate does business
    • I live in Anacortes Washington my consulate is in San Francisco California, send it to the
      right place
    • TDS – Travel Document Systems
      • Choose Tourist then “Get my Tourist Visa”
      • Then a box will open up asking which state you are from, choose your state
      • Look through the list of requirements and if any pertain to you make sure you have the information required
        • Complete the Chinese Vise Application Form, on the application tab on the Required Document tab, use the CHINESE VISA APPLICATION EXAMPLE pdf included in this email
      • Read each tab carefully, Required Documents, Fee & Processing Times, TDS Order Form, Ship your Documents
        • Complete the TDS Order Form and pay the fees
        • It is best to pay the $30 fee to and from the TDS branch near your consulate
        • If all the required information is included this will be a quick process
        • I wish you the best if you have any questions you can email Conquer.
    • Please in the box that request who your inviter is, you will need to put “self-invite”. We are not inviting you to China. Please apply for an L tourist visa. We can not send you an invitation letter
Registration for the Conquer The Wall Marathon.
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